Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy All Saints Day

Today is the Feast of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation in the United States. Is it still a Holy Day of Obligation for Canadian citizens? (I always wondered about this, whether there are jurisdictional rules for Holy Days of Obligation....) Nevermind...I'm going to Mass anyway! :)

Here's a great reflection from St. Bernard on the Feast. Hat tip: Amy Welborn.

As I found out from talking about Halloween in the previous post, the Feast of All Saints was instituted by Gregory IV sometime between 827 and 844. Of course, they were talking about a day for all the Holy Ones back in the 600's, but nothing official for the whole Church till the 800's. Still - this means that it's a VERY old Feast. For more info on the relationship between All Saints Day and Halloween, go here, and here.


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