Monday, July 18, 2005

Sunday Obligation

This article speaks about Phoenix's Bishop, who recently told his diocese that they should take the Sunday observance more seriously. He condemned shopping on Sundays and said that this day of rest should be more focused on the family, on relaxation and the Eucharist.

I really admire this Bishop, but I want to know what others think about the Sunday observance in general. What do you do to make the Sabbath a day of rest? Is it necessary to sit quietly in your homes and not drive very far? Are there different ways of taking rest? What does orthodoxy and love of Christ require?


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Courtney said...

I think there are many ways of honoring God on Sunday. For me, one of my favorite things to do, is to take a drive, and be alone with my thoughts and my prayers. I suppose for some, it would technically be "work" to drive, but for me it is a way to get away from the hustle and bustle, and the law books waiting for me back at my apartment, and to see the beauty of God's creation, even in Indiana! I suppose it is an old habit too, my family use to go on Sunday drives (no connection to it being Sunday, but just to spend time together), and so I've always sort of kept the traditional alive, even when I am away from my family.

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Driving is for lazy people. Christ and his disciples spent
hours tredging accross sands -- desert weather, obstacles, danger. He recognized via the Jewish tradition of observing the Sabbath. Time for rest, time for family. The Bishop is correct. Leave the car out of the equation..........

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Courtney said...

I don't really think the point is whether you drive or not, or whether one is lazy or not to drive in a car. I think the point of Sunday is to spend it in prayerful reflection, and getting ready for the spiritual battles of the next week.

If the best way for someone to do that is to go and hike, that's great. If it is crawling through twelve feet of snow, that's great! Or swimming, etc. For me, I enjoy a good drive through the countryside just outside South Bend.

The important thing is to get the reflection and prayer time in, regardless of how one get to it....

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point is not to rely on technology but rather on yourself; to be self-reliant, to use the capacities that God has given you to be present and still. Moreover, what connection do you have to your car? You didn't build it nor do you understand how it operates. Put away the gadgets for a day and relax in the presence of the Holy One.

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Christ, get over it. Why in the hell shouldn't you drive a car on Sunday. Courtney didn't create the technology that brought electricity into her home either - should she turn the power in her house off on Sundays? I think Courtney's Sunday activities sound very "restful", in every since of the word (although I think I'd drive my car right out of Indiana)

At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, anonymous. These people are wackos.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks TH for another flowering of tolerance and respect for the beliefs of others. As people like yourself raise up children in your image, I can actually feel the air in our free society contracting. You know Al Queda is hiring don't you?

Mmmmmmmm Moe's Homewrecker. sooo good.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahah..... and i'm sure your little christian warriors will be pillars of tolerance. hahaha.....oh shit that's so funny.

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started observing Sunday more closely my last year of law school and it paid TREMENDOUS dividends in many ways, including psychological, emotional, academic, and overall health.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on... I'm trying to get that stick up your ass out of there, but it's just shoved up way to far.

Come on Andrew Scott Hiller, you are wacky if you think that driving a car can NEVER EVER be a way to reflect upon the Lord on Sunday.

Many people drive to Church on Sunday, you use technology to get there and to live (even technology in Churches - air conditioning...). Then you talk of me being intolerant? I in no way was intolerant - I merely said you are wacky for believing that. Did I say you "couldn't" or even "shouldn't" believe that? Nope. Not at all. Called these people "wackos." (I didn't even use a capital "W" either).

I say "Bravo" to anyone who does spend their Sunday observance taking rest and praying - however they can do that. Self-reflection, helping others... it just doesn't make sense to judge people BECAUSE THEY DRIVE A FREAKING CAR on Sunday. If it is the best way to allow you to reflect and be alone with your thoughts and prayers, that's great. It seems as if my views are especially tolerant.

I guess that just make me wacky too then, huh?

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shhh ! Inuyasha is on !

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy is sooo sure your opinion of religious wackos is resticted to people who might uberobserve the sabbath.

And WHAT is with the name-outing! I'm feeling quite plamished! As if I tried to hide who I was on these posts. Not like some folk. I mean, to the extent I am seriously offending my law school brethren, I should like the chance to apologize, instead of wondering what the cold looks are for. C'mon. Nothing but love for ya. Don't get so tetchy.

As long as you keep calling me THAT name, I'll be . . . Andrew Hiller

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... again - I simply said "wackos," not "religious wackos." I find it wacky how they are with respect to this particular topic... I'm not sure if that makes them religious wackos (religion isn't wacky, not at all).

Sorry, just wanted to point out the name... It is pretty odd, however, that when you do that to your name it really does sound/look like some sort of anime character's name.... hm...

I'm not sure if "Troho" sounds like an anime name either. Kind of. Maybe? Whatever, I think it's still pretty sweet sounding.

I prefer Full Metal Alchemist to Inuyasha, btw. Only rarely do I ever watch it though. ;-)

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Cheeky Lawyer said...

My family and I need to be better about this.

Also, a quibble, but I remember hearing Fr. Antoine say once that Sunday, the Lord's Day, is not the same as the Sabbath. We don't keep the Sabbath. We celebrate Sunday as the day of the Lord. I am not exactly sure what the difference is but he was quite adamant about this. Thoughts?


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