Thursday, April 28, 2005

More Christian-bashing by the media

I guess I'm a Dominionist, according to the author of Harper magazine's cover story for the May issue. And the persecution of orthodoxy continues...


At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Persecution? Maybe. Persecution of orthodoxy? Hardly. There's so many things for a Catholic to sort out in regards to that article. First, with respect to the outside world, Catholics should stand strong and tell the world to back off and stand down, to stop picking on our little (separated) brothers and sisters in Christ. Second, with respect to the Christian world, it's time to confront Protestant Christians with the reality of what they've become, i.e. post-modern Evangelicals of the type described in the often very good article "Inside America's Most Powerful Megachurch". Any half-serious Orthodox Catholic can't read that article without his or her stomach turning just a little bit.

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point taken, but I still think that, like it or not, any Catholic who espouses what the Left thinks of as "traditional views" on moral issues, will be justifiably grouped with conservative Evangelical Protestants. Even though I disagree about many things that our (separated) brethren do, I do not shrink away from being associated with those people who are fighting against a culture of death.

I hold true to the observation that in today's society, Catholics who live by the teachings of their own Church on morality have more in common with Evangelical Protestants than "Kerry" Catholics.

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. Read the article, see what you think. Evangelicals, at least as described in that article, are a scandal to the faith.

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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